Disclaimer: Not every transition looks the same, as there is no right or wrong way to be transgender. These sites are a way for you to begin researching what aspects of transition are necessary for you and are a starting point for resources on transitioning. Please only use these resources as examples, and do not feel pressured to do anything that you are not comfortable with. Some sites may use outdated language or have opinions that are not reflective of Stonewall’s views, but they may contain relevant comprehensive information for your personal and unique journey.
Check out our new resource, the Ultimate Trans Resource Guide! This document will be updated quarterly; any suggestions for additions can be emailed with the subject line “Trans Guide” to programscoordinator@stonewallcolumbus.org
- AFAB/FtM Specific Resources:
- ftmguide.org: Great resource for general information about transitioning.
- AMAB/MtF Specific Resources:
- tsroadmap.com: Outdated language, but comprehensive (site has been up since 1996).
- AFAB/FtM Specific Resources:
- Healthcare Providers and Resources:
- Community and Social Resources:
- Trans Therapeutic Group
- Stonewall Columbus In-House Counseling
- TransOhio: Ohio-based trans community organization that provides peer support and transition resources.
- TransLash – Using the power of journalism and personal narrative, Team TransLash creates, curates, and presents trans-affirming content, resources, and events in collaboration with our partners, as well as with trans individuals and allies.
- PFLAG Ohio – Links to resources, PFLAG chapters, and partners where you and your trans and nonbinary loved ones can find support, respect, and dignity.
- Medical Transition:
- www.wpath.org: World Professional Association for Transgender Health
- www.trans-health.com: Covers a wide range of Health Issues that the trans community may face.
- Binding Resources:
- Stonewall Columbus Binding Tips Pamphlet
- Youth (under 18):
- Legal Information
- Gender Marker/Name Change info
- Rights and laws
- City, county, state, federal
- aclu.org/issues/lgbt-rights/transgender-rights: ACLU Transgender Rights
- transequality.org/: National Center for Trans Equality
- transgenderlawcenter.org/: Transgender Law Center
- Youth:
- www.HRC.org: Resource for transition in school.
- www.kycohio.org: Kaleidoscope Youth Center – the Columbus, OH-based Drop-in Center at KYC is open weekdays for youth ages 12 – 20, as a safer and affirming space for LGBTQIA+ youth and their allies. Our Programming primarily focuses on social activities and discussions, leadership development, life skills, mutual support, as well as, health and wellness education.?
- Gender Spectrum: Great comprehensive resource on a variety of topics for gender-expansive youth.
- Medical Transition:
- www.topsurgery.net: Comprehensive information on FtM top surgery, some information on surgeons out of date.
- Mental Health Resources
- Trans Lifeline: Provides culturally competent services to Trans and gender nonconforming people in crisis. Phone (877) 565-8860
- Trans Teens
- Scarleteen | Sex Education For The Real World – Scarleteen is a progressive, independent sexuality and relationships education media and support organization and website. Founded in 1998, as of 2022, it is often the most popular and most widely used site specifically providing sex and relationships information and support for young people worldwide, and has been so through most of its tenure.
Have a suggestion for a resource that you don’t see on this list? Please email information and a link to info@stonewallcolumbus.org