Its time . . . for the 2007/08 Edition of the Lavender Listings!
Advertising Early bird discounts available till January 23, 2007!
Whats New
* Directory out in April 2007
* Map Advertising with Your Neighborhood Included
* Expanded Online Listings and Banner Advertising
* Additional Featured Advertising Availability
Stonewall Columbus is preparing for the 2007-2008 Lavender Listings. This year will be our 23rd edition of the resource guide to the Columbus GLBT Community. As an advertiser in this resource directory, your business becomes a valuable part of the local GLBT Community. The proceeds from the Lavender Listings give much needed financial support to keep the center open and able to address the needs of the community in Columbus. As part of the annual Lavender Listings, your business is recognized as being gay-friendly and serving this very large demographic group.
Locally there are more than 60,000 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender consumers, with a spending power of over $2 million annually. The Lavender Listings will give you a direct link to this community. Recent surveys indicate that the GLBT customers are loyal to a gay-friendly business and are more likely to spend repeatedly where they know there is support of their community.
The Lavender Listings will have increased distribution this year. It is a free resource to the community; as such, each advertiser will have a small supply to distribute at their place of business. We will work with the local business and Stonewall Columbus to ensure that copies of the Lavender Listings will be accessible on a larger scale than in the past. It will reach and be used by more than 20,000 people. The production time for the Lavender Listings has been streamlined in an effort to get the new listings out to the public sooner. They will be available for distribution this year by April 15th.
As an advertiser in the Lavender Listings, you will have the opportunity, for the first time, to place an ad online at the Stonewall Columbus Web site for additional daily exposure to the local GLBT community. You will also receive a 20% discount on any ad placed in the 2007/2008 Pride Guide.
Attached you will find all of the information needed on the ad units that are available in the directory and on line as well as the pricing associated with each.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you this year.
Click here for more information on pricing.
Sales Contact:
Succeeding Steps LLC
John Herman
4226 S Oval St
Dublin, OH 43017-5005
(877) 292-5503 Phone and Fax
Click here to contact us about advertising.
Click here to download a contract with complete pricing information.