Please join us at the Stonewall Columbus Community Center located at 1160 N. High St. on Monday, November 22, 2004 at 7pm for a free seminar on Bisexuality presented by Brett Beemyn, Ph.D., Coordinator of the Ohio State University GLBT Student Services. This seminar will focus on the history of “bisexology,” current trends in research on bisexuals and bisexuality, and the treatment of bisexuality in LGBT studies. Brett Beemyn, Ph.D., has edited or co-edited a number of texts in LGBT studies, including Trans Youth (Haworth Press, forthcoming); Bisexuality in the Lives of Men: Facts and Fictions (Haworth Press, 2001); Bisexual Men in Culture and Society (Haworth Press, 2001); Creating a Place for Ourselves: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community Histories (Routledge, 1997); and Queer Studies: A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Anthology (NYU Press, 1996). A frequent speaker and writer on bisexual and transgender topics, Brett will provide an overview of Bisexuality and offer the opportunity for participants to ask questions, learn more and gain a better understanding of this segment of our community.
For more information on this and other Stonewall Columbus programs and services, please contact Kellye Pinkleton at or call 614-299-7764.