Following the success of the monthly “Stitch N Bitch” Knitting sessions, Stonewall Columbus is pleased to announce that the community has spoken and wants to continue gathering in a fun, safe atmosphere to socialize, learn a hobby and “stitch ‘n bitch.” The group will continue to meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm and will now also meet on the last Thursday of each month at 7pm with the Thursday session beginning in March. All sessions are held at the Stonewall Community Center (1160 N. High Street), with the next two meetings being March 9th and March 31st.
The “Stitch N Bitch” group is asking for donations, such as yarn and needles, from those that would like to support Stonewall’s efforts. To donate materials to the group, or for more information on the group, please contact Kellye Pinkleton at 614-930-2261 or email at