As you may now know the United Way of Central Ohio made the decision on Tuesday to implement a policy of inclusion for all groups who receive their funding. We fully support this effort to be inclusive and provide that financial support to those groups who embrace the diversity of all in central Ohio.
Sadly, they have received some negative comments regarding this decision. We here at Stonewall have been copied on some of these comments similar to these below:
“To the Chairwoman Ms. Crane,
With regards to the Columbus Dispatch article “Policy on gays could cost Scouts big money” Feb 25, 2004, I have the following thoughts to share with you.
It is obvious that the position you take is based on a narrow view of the issues and highlighted by pressures from Gay and Lesbian organizations. Boy Scouting’s purpose is to teach boys life skills and values that are based on the values that this country was built on.
Alternative sexual lifestyles are not what boys need to be learning during these early years. The membership rules that the Boy Scouts adhere to was established to provide a SAFE ENVIRONMENT for them to grow into young men and young adults.
As a long time United Way Contributor, I’m very upset at the policy that you have taken. If this policy is not reversed, I will have no other choice but to terminate any future Contributions to the United Way. Instead, I will redirect my entire contribution to the Simon Kenton Council.”
(e-mailed to Stonewall from a citizen on Thursday – Feb 26 2004)
The United Way is tracking calls being received from the community regarding their new policy. So far they have received only one in support. Please, call their marketing department and tell them how much you are in support of this. Please also encourage anyone else you know to do the same. The contact information is below:
Sharon Keaney (614) 227-2726 or
Chair Woman Tanny Crane at