A Free Wellness Clinic for GLBT Seniors
Stonewall Columbus is proud to announce Stonewall Senior Health, a free nurse-run wellness clinic on the second and fourth Saturdays (12pm-2pm) of each month at the Stonewall Columbus Center on High starting on July 14. As gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people over the age of 60 have health and wellness needs but might feel uncomfortable or unable to get the attention they need, the volunteer nurses at Stonewall can help clients by assisting them with information about medications, blood pressure/blood sugar checks, nutrition information, sexually transmitted disease risks and testing information, and other assistance along with referrals to GLBT-friendly primary care providers.
“GLBT seniors have specific health strengths, needs and risk factors, and as nurses we want to make sure those issues are addressed in a friendly, empowering way. While this isn’t a replacement for regular primary care visits, this is a great way for seniors to keep their own health in the forefront and take control of their healthcare,” says Craig Ferguson, organizer of the project. “Columbus is among the the first cities in the country to have such a service, and we want to make sure the whole GLBT community is aware that this resource exists. We hope to expand offerings over time.” In initial clinics, there will also be an attorney present to provide seniors with free power of attorney/advanced directive assistance.
For more information about attending or volunteering for the drop-in clinic, phone Stonewall at 614-299-7764 or email FgbarjnyyFravbeUrnygu@tznvy.pbz.
Blood Pressure – Weight/BMI – Pulse-Respirations – Glucose Check – Foot Inspection – Depression Screens – STD Testing Info- Medications Review – Discuss Health Concerns – Referrals