Stonewall Columbus and the Men 4 Men Project of the Columbus AIDS Task Force are proud to announce their second collaborative effort to bring rapid HIV testing to the gay community. As a recognition of National HIV Testing Day and Columbus’s Stonewall Pride celebration, we will be having a “Gay Columbus HIV Testing Day” on Wednesday, June 23rd from 5:00pm- 8:00pm at the Stonewall Columbus Community Center located at 1160 N. High Street. Rapid HIV testing involves only a small finger-prick of blood, and we typically estimate that people who test will leave with their results in under an hour. The first fifteen people tested will receive Pride dog tags, compliments of Stonewall Columbus. Please join us and help increase your own knowledge and the health of Columbus’s LGBTQ community.For more information on the Columbus AIDS Task Force call 299-2437, to contact Stonewall Columbus, call 299-7764.