The letter below was just sent by Attorney General, Jim Petro, to his listserv – including all GOP chairs, activists, contributors, etc. This is really a step in the right direction. Please take the time to call his office and thank him for being a leader for Ohio and understanding the negative impact this legislation will have for many Ohioans gay & straight. It’s important that we show our support when these individuals go up against their own political party to do the right thing. Thank you for your time. Kate Anderson, Stonewall Executive Director
Ohio’s AG states: “the amendment being contemplated in Ohio includes language that is designed to limit the rights of any non-married couple and will limit the rights of private companies and public institutions to offer benefits to certain groups of people, including unmarried people living in heterosexual unions.”
Issue 1 Facts:
Ø Eliminates Healthcare
Ø Abolishes Property Rights
Ø Slashes Maternity Leave
Ø Dictates to Employers How They Must Operate
Ø Will Cost Ohio Jobs and will Hurt Ohio’s Economy
No on Issue 1 is gaining ground day-by-day.
Please call the AG Jim Petro to thank him for his courage and conviction to stand-up for Ohio’s families – (614) 466-4320
If you would like to support those working against Issue 1, please attend 2 upcoming fundraisers.
On Monday, October 4th, at 7pm at the Vine (73 E. Gay St.) Please Join Stonewall CAN and Ohioans Protecting the Consitution for a fundraiser. This will be a fun evening with cash bar AND a white elephant auction. Bring an item to donate and get in FREE! For more info. contact Kellye at 614-930-2261.
Benefit to fight Issue 1 – National Coming Out Day Party Sun. Oct. 10th at Club 202 – 202 E. Long St. Columbus Ohio with BITCH(of Bitch & Animal), Katie Reider, Donna Mogavero, Wahru, MaryB, Royal Renegades & more! Doors 6:00 Music starts at 6:30. $10. at the door – Students $5. Brought to you by OSU GLBT Student Services, Outlook News, & Suziemuzic