Virtual Dance Party to Help Ohio Combat COVID-19
Lift Yourself Up Virtual Dance Party w/Crush Club & Maja Jera
Industry dance music legends, VASSY, CELEDA, Grapefruit Sound Lab featuring Amuka and Sarah Naughton will be performing and legendary Billboard Club Reporter DJ Brianna Lee from Orlando. https://www.facebook.com/events/1526481244187772/
Saturday, June 13, 4-8 p.m. and every following Saturday.
Live at Land Grant Brewery and Streaming on Facebook, Twitch, Vimeo and other streaming services. This week we will have live performances from Emcee Maja Jera, Selena T West, Jennifer Lynn, Mix sets from NYC, “Crush Club”, International DJ Mark Hagan, and local DJ Badger.
The Virtual Dance Party Legends of Dance features national and local talent that is broadcast every Saturday from 4-8 PM through Twitch, Vimeo, iHeartRadio mobile app, YouTube, and a variety of social media streaming platforms. The purpose of the event is to:
1.) lift people’s spirit,
2.) raise awareness of health and support resources,
3.) support local businesses and raise funds for organizations and industry workers, and
4) spread the word about extended absentee voting for the Ohio primary election and to our quarantine time to reflect on the need for a strong, vibrant democracy and help those combating this virus.
The Lift Yourself Up Virtual Dance Party made international news with the League of Women Voters, New York Times!

HOW TO JOIN: This interactive virtual event will be live-streamed via Twitch, Facebook, and YouTube. The lineup includes singers, dancers, and drag queens broadcasting from their homes to entertain Columbus and more. The goal is to raise awareness of the people in the Live Event and Food Industries who have lost their income and livelihood to COVID-19. Click a link below to join/participate!
TWITCH GetTheVoteOut https://www.twitch.tv/getthevoteout
TWITTER CraftTheVote https://twitter.com/craftthevote
YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/0hHPET8t8fc
The Virtual “Lift Yourself Up Dance Party”, Saturdays, 4 pm – 8 pm is a live streaming event on Twitch, YouTube and iHeartRadio mobile application to
1.) lift people’s spirit,
2.) raise awareness of resources,
3.) support local businesses and raise funds for industry folks not eligible for unemployment and in-need of fiscal resources, and
4) spread the word about extended absentee voting for the Ohio primary election.
The community sing-along is a show of solidarity and support for the medical workers, first responders, and all of the industry workers in restaurants and stores.
We are inviting the community to participate in the sing-along at around 6:50-ish. You can do this by going on your front porch and singing along or start a virtual stream within your home and join the chorus on social media. The chorus will be directly followed with anyone from the community of clapping and cheering all of the workers. #ClapBecauseWeCare at 7 PM. Link
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/getthevoteout
YouTube: https://youtu.be/0hHPET8t8fc
iHeartRadio Mobile App: https://prideradio.iheart.com/featured/virtual-pride-party/
This interactive virtual event will be live-streamed on Twitch, and YouTube and will include singers, dancers, and drag queens broadcasting from their homes.
Get ready for that “Big-Show Feel” to come to your laptop. While this dance party will be hosted from a home garage it will use TV-quality equipment. Please create a watch party on Facebook or share the link to the live-stream across any and all social media platforms. Use #LiftYourselfUpVP.
The more people who watch, the more good we can do in our community!
You can donate online, and proceeds will help central Ohio organizations impacted by COVID-19. This will be a fun way to engage the community, while still sheltering in place. We will have links to donate on screen and in the descriptions of entertainers.
For more information, visit Stonewall Columbus: https://stonewallcolumbus.org/liftyourselfup/ & Craft The Vote: http://craftthevote.net/lift-yourself-up/
PARTNERS: iHeartRadio Columbus, Craft the Vote/Get The Vote Out, Stonewall Columbus, Equality Ohio, Create Columbus Commission, Columbus Gay Mens Chorus, The Harmony Project, The Family Pride Network, Equitas Health, GLAAD, League of Women Voters, EduTechnologic, Atlas Partners, Technological Streaming Services and support from Platinum
TDM, TrueQ are sponsoring the event, hoping to remind Ohioans to register, to vote and to use their quarantine time to reflect on the need for a strong, vibrant democracy and help those combating this virus.
The Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus has been “Raising Voices and Changing Lives” for 30 years! As a non-auditioned chorus, CGMC encourages people of ALL races, genders, colors, religions, national origins, abilities, ages, gender identities, and sexual orientations who sing in the Tenor, Baritone and Bass vocal ranges to join together to sing beautiful, fun, and inspiring music which increases awareness of, and support for, LGBTQIA+ persons. Over 500 folks have sung with CGMC and inspired hundreds of thousands of people to lift up the community!
Additional information about the Lift Yourself Virtual Dance Party
- To Lift People’s Spirits by giving everyone an uplifting mental break to let loose to celebrate, dance in your home, driveway, backyard, bathroom, whatever feels good! Social distancing has increased the need to address the mental health of many people for various reasons.
- The LGBTQ Community has assembled a set of Covid-19 resources:
- Resources:
- Health – Lead by Equitas Health
- Safety – Bravo
- Resources:
- Youth Services – Kaleidoscope
- Legal – Equality Ohio
- Financial/Food/Shelter/Other – Stonewall Columbus
- Support people and local businesses through fundraising.
- Spread the word about extended absentee voting for the Primary Election:
?? If you need to vote in-person because of a disability, you can skip these steps and vote in-person at your local county Board of Elections on April 28 only.
? There will be no in-person voting for most people.
? If you have already voted, you are done! Your job now is to share this information with others. This is very unusual and people will need to know the new procedures.
? Request your ballot by filling out this form. This is a primary election, so choose a party (or issues) ballot. Print and sign.
? Mail your request form to your local county Board of Election.
? You will receive a ballot in the mail. Once you get it, complete it and mail it back with the stated postage. Act fast, because it must be mailed and postmarked by April 27 (meaning, it has to be in the mail before April 28th).
About Craft The Vote/Get The Vote Out
Who We Are
Out of 30 elections between 1900 and 2016, Ohio cast votes for the winning presidential candidate 93 percent of the time (28 out of 30 elections), more than any other state in the country. In that same time frame, Ohio supported Republican candidates for president more often than Democratic candidates, 60 to 40 percent. Between 2000 and 2016, Ohio’s voting accuracy was 100 percent.
We envision an Ohio where more members of under-represented communities Vote.
Under-represented communities include LGBTQ+, people of color, new Americans, women, under 30, in rural and urban areas of Ohio.
To inspire
members of under-represented communities to come out to vote, to make sure those who want to vote are properly registered and help promote a more informed electorate.
Coming out.
We understand how powerful it is to be true to oneself, to stand up, and be heard. For some of us, coming out saved our lives. Coming out is our superpower. And we will use that superpower to inspire more Ohioans from under-represented communities to “come out” to vote. Because we know that when we vote, we vote for a better, safer and more inclusive Ohio.
Bold Goal
Record numbers of Ohioans in under-represented communities vote
In November 2020
In November 2022
In November 2024
In November 2026
In November 2028
2020 Goals vs. 2016 (last presidential election year) Actuals
*Note: the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office does not disaggregate voter data
In 2016:
Voters: 5,607,641
Registered voters: 7,861,025
Eligible voters (voting age population): 8,736,808 (8,955,859)
% of eligible voters who were registered: 90%
% of registered voters who voted: 71.33%
% of eligible voters who voted: 62.9%
We created three campaigns:
- Craft The Vote – A partnership with craft breweries for the “Bro” crowd
- Vote Responsibly – A play on drink responsibly with an underlying “Civic” message
- Get The Vote Out – Focus on the LGBTQAI crowd
The three campaigns allow for interplay amongst the three campaigns.
We commissioned local artists Adam Brioulette and Lisa McLymont to create 24 logos that embraced the following messaging:
- Truth – Seek sources of truth, unbiased and learn alternate sides of an argument. The origins of civics.
- Honor – Respect people, sexual orientation, gender, religion. Value people and help and protect those most in need first and foremost.
- Unity – Respect all sides and work together. We are a country of people, not a people of parties.
The initial pilot show was in October 2019, AP News, at Land Grant Brewery, which was a mix of musical artists, drag queens, local and national organizations and a Presidential debate watch party. The Ohio State University, Equitas Health, Equality Ohio, HRC, League of Women Voters, Ohio Board of Elections, GOHI, EduTechnologic, Land Grant Brewery, and The Harmony Project.