Please join us at the Stonewall Columbus Community Center located at 1160 N. High St. on Monday, April 4th at 7pm for a free seminar on Car Care Basics presented by Chris Cozad, owner of Alternative Auto Care. This Car Care Seminar will provide an overview of basic car care as well as a chance to ask the expert car mechanic, Chris Cozad, everything you always wanted to know about your car and more. Owning a car is a financial investment whether it is a $500 transportation special or a $50,000 loaded SUV. As an informed consumer you are best equipped to protect that investment. This workshop will help you to understand what preventative maintenance is, why it is important, when it is recommended, and why is saves you money in the long run. You will learn how to select a repair facility, how to talk to a mechanic, and how to protect yourself from being ripped off. This workshop will help you to make good auto repair decisions, and give you peace of mind.
Chris Cozad owner of Alternative Auto Care, serving the LGBT Community since 1983, is an ASE certified master auto technician, and an adjunct instructor of Automotive Technology at Columbus State Community College.
Please join Stonewall Columbus for this exciting, educational seminar. For more information on this and other Stonewall Columbus programs and services, please contact Kellye Pinkleton at or call 614-930-2261