DOMA–A Law of DisguiseThe DOMA law was created under the guise of “protecting the institution of marriage”. However, DOMA does not relate to or affect opposite-sex marriages at all. Its sole purpose is to ban same-sex partners from participating in marriage or civil-unions in Ohio. Some suggest that the wording sets the stage to undermine the current benefits for domestic partnerships that leading private organizations now provide.
DOMA Creates 2nd-Class CitizensOhio’s DOMA treats gay individuals as 2nd-class citizens who deserve fewer rights than straight individuals. DOMA disrespects Ohioans who choose a same-sex individual as their life partner. It bans them from having the same marital benefits as opposite-sex partners–even though they pay taxes, volunteer in their communities, own businesses that support Ohio’s governments, renovate neighborhoods, raise children, teach in Ohio schools, etc. like every other Ohioan.
Why should GLBT individuals be denied the same medical, tax, inheritance, and social security benefits that are secured through marriage status?
DOMA Will Harm Ohio’s Economy Ohio currently suffers with a record high unemployment rate. And yet, this legislation was passed knowing that it will further limit the relocation of companies into Ohio and their subsequent creation of new jobs. This enactment that establishes Ohio as having “strong public policy” against same-sex unions is most likely to further label Ohio as an extreme, conservative state that further distances itself from the American norm.
DOMA Declares Void Any Same-Sex Union from Other StatesTo further illustrate the newly established “strong public policy” of Ohio, this legislation specifically invalidates any unions that same-sex individuals may acquire in other U.S. states.
Come join us in the fight. Please plan to attend.
This 7:30pm-9:30pm gathering will feature hundreds of people from the GLBT community and our straight allies, notable speakers, and entertainment. We will gather together to signal our strength to all of Ohio.
“We’re asking as many people as possible to attend from across the state. This legislation affects every Ohioan–gay or straight. This event on May 5th is a critical time to show Ohio’s governor and the Ohio legislature that couples in Ohio deserve equal treatment under Ohio law, ” says Lynne Bowman of the Columbus Human Rights Campaign. Ohioans for Growth and Equality, Stonewall Columbus, and the Human Rights Campaign have joined forces to sponsor this event.
For the anti-DOMA Rally May 5, 7:30-9:30 pm, at the Columbus Statehouse, please wear all black and bring a flashlight for the “candlelight” vigil (candles are NOT permitted on the statehouse grounds). Signs should have no sticks but you may bring signs that are hand-held only,
If you have questions, please call Columbus Stonewall Columbus at (614) 299-7764 or email