Terry Penrod, with HER Real Living, announced his establishment of a charitable giving program to benefit Stonewall Columbus. Mr. Penrod, known for his generous donations of personal time and financial support for GLBT charities, has just recently joined the HER team, after a successful sales career with Columbus based RetroBox and WTTE Fox 28. He has also been a real estate investor for 16 years. “I have always been a supporter of grassroot movements promoting equality and I couldn’t think of a better organization locally than Stonewall Columbus,” Penrod explained.
For every newly built home purchased through Terry Penrod, a $200.00 donation will be made in the purchaser’s name, to Stonewall Columbus.
Penrod continued, “Presently there has been a dynamic trend for GLBT homeowners to move away from the stereotypical urban, older home/neighborhood into new homes located in suburban neighborhoods. As our family dynamics change, GLBT couples have developed the same needs as opposite-sex couples, including larger homes, no maintenance, and the need for good school systems.”
Kate Anderson, Executive Director with Stonewall Columbus, was thrilled at the news of Penrod’s generous offer. “Terry’s generosity will help Stonewall Columbus continue its message of tolerance and equality. Having known Terry for years, and his continued hard work with the Human Rights Campaign and Stonewall, I can not express how wonderful and welcome this program is to us.”
“There has been a definite change in the mindset of the GLBT community about moving to the suburbs,” Bill Costello with Dominion Homes states. “A huge percentage of gays and lesbians are moving to the suburbs simply because there has been a big change in attitudes from the average suburbanite. The burbs are no longer considered forbidden fruit to Ohio’s GLBT community and there is a strong desire by the GLBT community to move to a quieter, more traditional neighborhood setting. With the diversity movement that is taking place here, the GLBT community is considered to be a perfect addition to the melting pot environment found in most suburbs. ”
To contact Terry Penrod about this program and the many real estate opportunities he has to offer, please call 614-323-9596, on the web at www.herrealtors.com/terry.penrod, or via email at terry.penrod@herrealtors.com.