‘Tis the Season for giving and Stonewall Columbus hopes you will consider supporting YOUR GLBT Community Center by putting us on your gift list! There are many ways to contribute to Stonewall Columbus and show your support. Below, are just a few ways you can give a gift that continues giving long after the season, whether it is to support the Center, ensure we continue offering quality programs and services, or simply to have a positive impact on the lives of those we call FAMILY whom visit and call the Center each day.
- Stonewall Columbus exists because of the generous support of our community. Please consider making a tax deductible gift to Stonewall Columbus. You may make a one-time contribution, or for convenience, you may contribute monthly by using a credit card. Please contact Stonewall for more information on gift opportunities.
- Host a House Party or event. This is a great way to gather friends, mingle, educate others on the important work we do and it directly benefits Stonewall. For more information, please contact Michael Dutcher at 614-930-2262.
- For businesses and organizations, there are always sponsorship opportunities- a great way to increase your company/business’s visibility AND support Stonewall. For more information, please contact Michael Dutcher at mdutcher@stonewallcolumbus.org
- Donate an in-kind item to support the Community Center. Here are just a few items on our “wish list” this season:
Flip chart pads
2 Small, portable tables for tabling events- card tables work!
Postage (we can always use a roll of stamps!)
Colored copy paper 8 1/2 x 11
White copy paper 8 ½ x 11
Gift Certificates to Staples, Target
Cleaning supplies - Purchase your 2006 Entertainment Book (full of coupons and great values) at Stonewall for only $30 (which is a savings of $5). Proceeds benefit Stonewall and books can be picked up at the Center. Drop in and ask Michael for your copy!
- Purchase the Pride Rainbow bracelets at Stonewall for only $5. These are great gift items and perfect stocking stuffers for that someone special! Drop by the Center and pick one up today!
We thank you for your continued support and wish you and yours a Happy Holidays!