If passed, HR 3313 would strip the federal courts of jurisdiction over challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act.The MPA singles out one group of people—LGBT Americans—for different and inferior treatment. DOMA is a law that profoundly affects the recognition of same-sex relationships and be subject to constitutional scrutiny by the courts. By shielding DOMA from federal judicial review, the MPA closes the federal courts to a distinct class of people, leaving them open to all others.
The MPA is inconsistant with separation of powers. Our system of government depends upon an independent judiciary to ensure that all legislation complies with the values in our founding document, the United States Constitution. Congress lacks the power to exempt legislative branch actions from judicial review.
The MPA is a departure from our constitutional and legal tradition – Despite many efforts over recent decades to adopt restrictions on federal courts in controversial areas, no bill instituting a broad ban on a subject matter class or cases has passed.
Take Action!
Urge your Representative to Oppose the Marriage Protection Act go to http://www.hrcactioncenter.org/campaign/hr3313_action/s78b5n40jdxme7