Stonewall Columbus is pleased to announce that Columbus city council has extended a grant in the amount of $50,000 for capital improvements at the LGBT community center. For 32 years, Stonewall Columbus has been meeting the needs of the LGBT community through education and advocacy programs. Ordinance 1102-2013, sponsored by Health and Human Services Committee chair Priscilla R. Tyson, will provide $50,000 in Emergency Human Services funding to help Stonewall make needed repairs to their 1160 North High Street facility and the adjacent 4th Street Annex. Repairs include, but are not limited to, restroom upgrades, electric and lighting, emergency exits, gutters and downspouts.
“First, I want to take this opportunity to thank council for this tremendous support. Our partnership with the city has helped to make Stonewall Columbus a leading organization in the region,” said Karla Rothan, Executive Director of Stonewall Columbus. “Each year 30,000 visitors arrive at the center looking for a safe place to get help. The Center on High is just that place and we could not have touched the lives of so many without the long-term support of our city,” she added.
Stonewall Columbus plans to raise additional dollars to expand the facility, connect the buildings and create second floor accessibility. This will enable Stonewall Columbus to more fully and effectively provide additional programs for the LGBT community, especially older adults, families and youth. “Having the confidence and investment of our city helps us to achieve that goal,” explained Rothan.
Stonewall Columbus serves the Central Ohio LGBT community by providing a community center and offering programming and services that enhance the well-being and visibility of our diverse community through discovery, affirmation and celebration. For more information about Stonewall Columbus visit our website at