As many of you know, OSA (Operation Save America) has descended upon our City with their message of hate, intolerance and anti-glbt rhetoric. Many of you came out to City Hall on Saturday and joined Stonewall, as well as other local groups, to collectively voice our opposition to OSA and maintain a peaceful response to their visit. Your presence was strong, heard loud and clear and we thank you for publicly joining us in saying NO to OSA.Unfortunately- they are still here (they spent this morning protesting-Tuesday- at the United Way office) and they are planning to continue their “services” and hate-filled messages each night (through July 24th) at (OUR) City Hall at 6:30pm. If you have an hour to spare and/or want to join us in SAYING NO, please come to City Hall (near the Broad Street Bridge downtown) around 6pm. Also- the “response planners” are working to organize a “Reclaim Our City” gathering at City Hall this FRIDAY, JULY 23rd at 5pm. Please join us and encourage others that want our city rid of this hate to come as well. This will be a chance to gather, affirm one another and celebrate our lives and diversity. For more information on this celebration, please contact Kellye at 299-7764 ext. 11
REMEMBER: while we are encouraging folks to have a response- this does not mean that we want to engage with anyone on their side. We are joining together to provide a PEACEFUL RESPONSE and show Columbus that this group is not wanted, nor do they represent the beliefs of most citizens. We are on the right side of this issue by sending a message of TOLERANCE, RESPECT and in the importance of celebrating DIVERSITY. Come join us to celebrate our lives, loves and OUR community!