We are currently recruiting GLBT community members for a focus group to discuss attitudes and beliefs related to tobacco use and quitting.Thursday, Feb. 16th, 2006 2-3:30pm @ the Stonewall Columbus Community Center 1160 N. High Street
Food and beverages will be provided!
A small gift will be given to all participants.
A drawing will be held for ONE focus group participant to win a $50 gift certificate to Wal-mart.
We are looking for men and women who currently use tobacco products or have quit using them!
Hosted by Stonewall Columbus
For more information on this project AND TO RSVP, please contact Barry Oches, Senior Research Associate at bpurf@buvb.rqh or 740-593-9799.
This project is being conducted by the Institute for Government Administration and Rural Development at Ohio University for the Department of Health