Thursday, March 23rd
11:00 AM
Our Lunch and Learn for March will feature two speakers, Janis Whipple, and Helen Yee. Janis is a Nia teacher (Nia is a mind-body physical conditioning program) and a Reiki Master. Her presentation will focus on Reiki which is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction. Reiki is based on knowing that a ‘life force energy’ flows through all living things. When this energy is blocked and out of balance it can cause stress, fatigue or even illness. The Reiki practitioner uses their skills to bring this energy back into balance. Helen Yee has taught Tai Chi and Qigong for over 30 years and is a founder of the American Academy of Alternative Medicine. She will show us how to tap into the healer within through Qigong which is a wonderful and a powerful component of traditional Chinese medicine.
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