Event Series Men’s Coming Out Group

Men’s Coming Out Group

Stonewall Columbus 1160 North High Street, Columbus, OH, United States

2nd & 4th Monday 7pm - 9pm Stonewall Columbus Community Center 1160 N High Street Columbus, OH 43201 This peer-support group is open to all men: transgender or cisgender, Gay, Bi, Pan, Ace, Demi, Queer, and anyone still figuring things out (regardless of age--18+) – ALL men are welcome! This group is a peer-directed community […]

Event Series Stonewall Women’s Book Club

Stonewall Women’s Book Club

OH, United States

3rd Wednesday 6:30 p.m. A primarily lesbian group with members from many backgrounds and ages. Friendly, thought-provoking discussions on a range of topics, generally related to the month’s book. The books vary in genre, ranging from non-fiction to poetry to historical literature to light ‘beach-reads.’ The group is very diverse and provides an opportunity for meeting […]

LGBTQ + Parkinsons’s Support Group

OH, United States

When it comes to Parkinson’s disease (PD), members of the LGBTQ+ community may face even more health care obstacles when it comes to care. This NEW support group aims to create an affirming space for people with Parkinson’s, family members, and caregivers to build community. Starting with the first virtual meeting on Wednesday, November 16, […]