Event Series CGMC Tales of Our Age Concert Performance

CGMC Tales of Our Age Concert Performance

Lincoln Theater 769 E Long Street, Columbus, OH, United States

Aging can be hard, but it can also be rewarding as we are able to share our stories about how we experience our lives. From how dating has changed through the decades to how our body feels, we will share the music of intergenerational experiences in this changing world. In a show that will both […]

Mama Bears – film screening

480 E Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215 OH, United States

  PFLAG Columbus, Columbus Museum of Art's Loud & Proud, and Stonewall Columbus invite you to a screening of the award-winning documentary, MAMA BEARS. Following the screening, you are welcome to join a discussion with leaders from PFLAG, Stonewall, Loud & Proud, and special guest/film director, Daresha Kyi. March 2023 marks PFLAG's 50th Anniversary - […]

Trailblazers Lunch & Learn – A Conversation about Holistic and Alternative Approaches to Health

Stonewall Columbus 1160 North High Street, Columbus, OH, United States

Thursday, March 23rd 11:00 AM Our Lunch and Learn for March will feature two speakers, Janis Whipple, and Helen Yee.  Janis is a Nia teacher (Nia is a mind-body physical conditioning program) and a Reiki Master.  Her presentation will focus on Reiki which is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction.  Reiki is based […]