We are looking for Stonewall Columbus and Columbus Pride photos, video, printed materials, and memorabilia from the last 30 years to showcase our 30th anniversary in 2011.
In 1981 four young activists, frustrated with the discrimination that permeated central Ohio, staged a march to draw attention to the issues that face our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. That demonstration inspired others and by September 23rd of that year Craig Huffman, Val Thogmartin, Keith McKnight and Craig Covey created the articles of incorporation of a newly formed organization that would help people in the community. It was called Stonewall Union. At a meeting on July 14, 1983 Susan Pyle was elected president and Cindie Cyrus was elected secretary of the board of trustees and a nonprofit organization was born.
Now here we are, Stonewall Columbus, thirty years later. We owe a debt of gratitude to those individuals who stood up and did something when most people were afraid to take the chance. In 2011, Stonewall Columbus celebrates thirty years of service to central Ohio. Our marketing team has created a logo to commemorate this historic milestone. We are hoping that all of you have fond memories of Stonewall Columbus and have saved some of the memorabilia from past Prides and other special events. If so, please send them to John Herman. We are working on gathering materials that will be on display at our Pride celebration next June. This will be our 30th Pride as well and we realize that it may seem far away but gathering things from three decades takes time so please join us for this nostalgic year.
Send your Stonewall Columbus or Columbus Pride photos and video here
Email it to vasb@fgbarjnyypbyhzohf.bet with History in the subject line.
or Mail to:
Stonewall Columbus
Attn: History Materials
1160 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43201
Any questions? Email vasb@fgbarjnyypbyhzohf.bet or call 614-930-2264.